Chapter 4 of Code complete!
It shows many computer languages and each
computer language how relate to each other. I have learned some of them which
are Java, SQL, C, and Visual Basic. In my case, SQL and Visual Basic are the
most interesting languages for me because they are easy to design. Especially,
SQL cooperates with Visual Basic like a picture.

In case of Visual Basic, Visual basic connects
to SQL, and Microsoft Access. In case of picture, I made movie’s database in
SQL developer, transformed it to Microsoft Access and transformed it again to
Visual basic. Finally, contents of database that I made were shown up on Visual
Basic. The pictures do not show entire system. Each movie shows one’s
information from database. SQL and Visual Basic are totally different
languages, but they can cooperate. It is so interesting for me. I think that
Visual basic is a little familiar with language of Flash because those
applications require an object to name something. I mean that objects controls
and commands system to do.
For example, name of button is btnCalculate
btnCalculate commands like:
Private Sub
btnClaculateCharges_Click(sender As System.Object, e As
System.EventArgs) Handles
NumNight = txtNight.Text
NumNightly = txtNightlyCharges.Text
txtRoomService.Text = 10.5
txtTelephone.Text = 5.25
txtMisc.Text = 3.0
NumRoomCharges = (NumNight *
txtRoomCharges.Text = NumRoomCharges
NumAddCharges = (NumRoomService +
NumTelephone + NumMisc)
txtAdditionalCharges.Text = NumAddCharges
NumSubtotal = (NumRoomCharges +
txtSubtotal.Text = NumSubtotal
NumTax = NumSubtotal * 0.04
txtTax.Text = NumTax
NumTotal = NumSubtotal + NumTax
txtTotalCharges.Text = NumTotal
End Sub
Then, after the press the button, system
will follow the command and show result like the picture.
Language of flash also requires an object
to name because the object also commands system to do. There is no image for
that. I just know one familiar thing between Visual Basic and Flash.
I think that learning different computer
languages at the same time is so difficult because each computer language has
different instruction and different word. In my case, I always confused about
I enjoyed your blog, a lot of useful information. Thank you for the posting