I was very interested in the chapter 11 “Enhancing SaaS With
JavaScript” of Engineering long-lasting software because JavaScript is my first
computer language, but I did not know much information of JavaScript. I cannot
even explain difference between Java and JavaScript. However, this chapter
talks a lot of information of JavaScript such as history of JavaScript,
JavaScript fpr Ruby Programming, The Document Object Model and JQuery,
Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX), and so on. To be honest, I am
unfamiliar with those things. However, I have heard the term “JQuery” several
times. JQuery is nice for web designer because of following reasons:
- It is similar to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Easy to play with the DOM
- Simplifies AJAX
- It is free
- Etc…

Percentage of user of JQuery
As I mentioned above, JQuery is one of JavaScript library.
Prototype.js, and Mootools are known as other JavaScript libraries. I have
never used both of them. However, people tend to use a JQuery because it
provides us many benefits as I mentioned.
According to Web Directions, Around 1200 people who are web
designers and programmers were asked which library they used. 62.80 % of all
people answered “JQuery.” Of course, JQuery was top of that ranking. Second is
prototype.js (23.26%), and Third is MooTools (19.04%). As you see the result,
most of them uses JQuery. JQuery is one of great JavaScript library and it would
provide us great benefit too.
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